MLP Fighting is Magic AppleJack Stage(WIP) MLP Fighting is Magic AppleJack Stage(WIP) (4.18 MB) MLP fighting is magic AJ stage (dispenser radio) MLP fighting is magic AJ stage (dispenser radio) (17.15 MB) Type what you are looking for in the box bellow, hit search and download it from !ĥ000 results found, page 1 from 500 for ' mlp fighting is magic' MLP Fighting is magic (2.23 MB)
UPDATE 2: Iwanabrawl is, as far as I know UPDATE: I found websites dedicated to reviving Fighting is Magic! So if you guys can, give them support! Maybe try to get these people together and turn them into the new Mane6! So with that being said, best of luck to these guys! So what am I trying to say here? I'm saying that FIGHTING IS MAGIC IS STILL GONNA HAPPEN! For now, these people I found are the only people in the world that is going to help finish the game.

FINDING THE NEW MANE6?! - THE GAME WILL FINISH!So, I've been looking around YouTube to find ANYONE that is working on Fighting is Magic.